Where to find my short stories

09.11.2020 11:57

On this website, of course! Some of them in both, Polish and English.

If you can read Polish, stories “Gate”, “Farm”, “Life after life”, “Fiance” and “Penance” were published in three post-competition anthologies: “U nas za stodołą”, “U nas za stodołą II. Spotkanie z duchem Bieluchem” and and ““U nas za stodołą III. Między Zamościem a Roztoczem”. “Waiting for a miracle” and “Umieraki” appeared in summer edition of “Fenix Antologia”. Story “Krople bursztynu” was published in “W głębi snów”. I have published so far three stories on Nowa Fantastyka website. They are: “Smok nie istnieje, ale ma się dobrze”, “Michałku, odejdź” oraz “Szara”, and you can find them by looking at my profile there.

The “U nas za stodołą” books can only be purchased in the form of a donation for Fundacja “Ku Przeszłości” (“Towards the Past” Foundation), which was the organizer of the competitions.

Anthologies "U nas za stodołą"

Fenix is available in bookstores mentioned on the magazine’s website, here.

"Fenix Antologia" 6-7 (2-3/2019)

Anthology “W głębi snów” is available as charityware. You can find it on the “Zapomniane Sny” project website.

W głębi snów - pic. Patrycja Sikora

Anthologies with my short stories on Goodreads: